Asia Pacific Economic and Management Review 2024-11-05T01:15:04+00:00 Asia Pacific Science Press Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>Asia Pacific Economic and Management Review(APEMR)</strong></em> is an international, peer-reviewed and open access journal which focuses on theoretical and applied studies of corporate and financial behavior. Aiming to promote the research in fields of business economics and management.</p> <p><strong>Frequency: </strong>Bimonthly</p> <p><strong>Editor-in-Chief:</strong> Prof. Lakshman Sharma<br />University of Delhi, Indian</p> <p><strong>ISSN(O):</strong> 3005-9275<br /><strong>ISSN(P):</strong> 3005-9267</p> <p><strong>DOI:</strong> <a href=""></a></p> Construction of Index System for College Students' Innovation and Entrepreneurship Ability: Evidence from Finance and Economics Colleges 2024-11-05T01:15:04+00:00 Yuan Tian Qiang Wang <p>Innovation and entrepreneurship ability is a composite ability that combines practical ability, and innovation ability. In order to systematically evaluate the innovation and entrepreneurship abilities of college students, it is necessary to construct a comprehensive index system. In finance and economics colleges, students have unique abilities in innovation and entrepreneurship, such as keen market observation skills, rich knowledge of enterprise management and finance, etc. Therefore, based on research data from finance and economics colleges, we explore and construct a objective, and specific index system for college students' innovation and entrepreneurship abilities, providing a scientific basis for evaluating and enhancing their innovation and entrepreneurship abilities.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Yuan Tian, Qiang Wang Chinese Consumers' Satisfaction with Online Shopping Platforms 2024-11-05T01:14:48+00:00 Xi Wang Chere' Cato Yturralde <p>With the rapid development of Internet technology, China's online shopping industry is also expanding rapidly, becoming an important part of global e-commerce. This article investigates Chinese consumers' satisfaction levels with Taobao, Jingdong (, and Pinduoduo, three of the country's most popular e-commerce sites. The article reviews the historical development of these platforms, their market positioning, and some of the unique spending habits of Chinese consumers. This paper analyzes several key factors that affect consumer satisfaction, including delivery accuracy, price, information quality, payment convenience, and security. The way that these aspects are handled by each platform greatly affects the buying experience of users. Technological innovations on platforms such as Taobao, such as AI-driven recommendations, have dramatically improved user experience and satisfaction. Jingdong has improved its delivery efficiency and customer satisfaction by building its own logistics system, and Pinduoduo's logistics are both slightly inadequate in comparison. However, Jingdong's logistics during peak hours still needs to be improved. The paper also points out that while price is a very important factor for consumers when choosing a platform, Pinduoduo still needs to find a balance between low price and service quality. Lastly, future studies can explore how cross-border e-commerce and the behavioral inclinations of various user groups could impact the platform's subsequent development stage. These findings suggest that continued attention to these factors can provide online shopping platforms with strategies to increase consumer satisfaction and improve service quality, as well as provide new ideas for academic research.</p> 2024-11-04T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Xi Wang, Chere' Cato Yturralde